Remora Backup is pleased to announce the availability of a new feature that allows our customers to provide their own encryption key for their backups. Remora Backup launched two years ago as a managed, encrypted, offsite backup service for your Heroku Postgres databases. As part of this managed service, we provide and maintain the encryption keys for you. These encryption...
Today we are excited to announce a new plan available the Remora Backup add-on: Bring Your Own Storage. As the name indicates, Bring Your Own Storage (BYO), is a plan that allows you to specify a server you control that will store the encrypted Remora Offsite Backup file. The requirements are simple. First, you will need a server that supports...
Heroku Postgres has two levels of backup protection. The first level is called ‘Continuous Protection’, and this involves storing the Postgres Write Ahead Logs (transaction logs) on S3, using the open source utility WAL-E. The Continuous Protection feature allows Heroku to restore or rebuild your database in the event of a failure. The second level is logical backups, using the...
Remora Backup was designed with security and trust as the top priorities. When designing and planning the service, we asked ourselves “what is the least amount of access we need to our customer’s database?”. The answer turned out to be a simple, but powerful Heroku feature called Postgres Credentials. A Postgres database provides many types of access controls, from host-based...
When building Remora Backup, we set out to build a secure, simple, offsite backup service that would continue to run and serve customers for many years into the future. We decided early on to not roll our own backup utility. We would use standard Postgres tools such as pg_backup, as well as simple, open source utilities such as scp for...